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Home » Self-Help and Patient Information » Social Prescribing
Many things can affect your health and wellbeing. Some people may feel isolated or lonely, and for others they might be stressed due to work, money or housing problems.
A social prescriber helps provide support in the community to address some of these issues that might impact on your health and wellbeing. A support worker will discuss how they can best support you and link you with further services and activities.
For more information please see the links below. If you think a social prescriber may be able to help please speak to one of our team.
Web Link:
Witton Lodge Community Association
Social Prescribing – Gateway Family Services (
To find out more about social prescribing see:
Web Link:
Connect to Support is a Birmingham City Council run website supporting
Adult Social Care, for citizens of Birmingham and professionals to use. It
provides information and resources for individuals to access directly and for
professionals to enable additional support. This includes a community directory
with over 1,000 activities and groups that can be accessed for free.